Dual diagnosis and recovery by Rabia Zaidi

“Schizophrenia with the dual diagnosis of addiction”

Co-morbidity or dual diagnosis, is defined by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, if a person is diagnosed as having an alcohol or drug abuse problems in addition, usually psychiatric; e.g. mood disorder, schizophrenia; 2000. It refers to coexistence of two or more psychological disorders.


illiams explains different kinds of dual diagnosis in 2002:

Primary mental illness: consequences of the illness leads to drugs misuse.
Primary substance misconduct with psychiatric situations: lead to psychological symptoms,Guest Posting i.e; stress, depression
Common conditions: bio/psycho/social factors. i.e; family dysfunction and conduct disorder with drug use
Krausz (1996) categorizes four dual diagnosis:

The diagnosis of mental ailment, with a consequent dual diagnosis of substance misconduct that inauspicious effects on mental health.
Diagnosis of drug dependency with psychiatric difficulties leading towards to mental issues.
Co-occurrent identification of substance usage and psychiatric diseases.
Dual diagnosis of substance utilization and mood disturbance, both resulting a traumatic experience, for example: PTSD.
In the occurance of dual diagnosis, when someone has a direct contact with a mental and substance abuse problems side by side. This classification can range from someone have mild depression because of drinking, to someone’s symptoms of bipolar disorder becoming more intense when that person uses heroin during periods of mania. A person have experienced a mental health condition may turn into drugs and alcohol in a form of self-medication to change the troubling mental health symptoms. Research shows that alcohol and other life threatening drugs only make the symptoms of mental health conditions worse, the effects of drugs on a person’s moods, thinking, brain mechanisms and behavior.

Morel (1999) compare non-specific psychiatric disorders found among addicts from complications specifically connected with drug use. Disorders among drug utilizers include:

Anxiety disorders.
Sleep disorders, result of depression, anxiety disorder or psychosis.
Aggressive and violent behaviour, highlighted antisocial, psychopathic, schizophrenic or paranoid personality disorders.
Pharmaco-psychoses evoked by hallucinogenic drugs or amphetamines;
Chaos syndromes.
Panic anxiety
Obsessive compulsive disorders
Substance abuse most dominates over any other disorder; (Buckley, Miller Lehrer, and Castle, 2009).
Researches on neuro-psychological and neuro-biological and advancement enable brain processes to visualized about the relationship between mental and physical trauma, development of brain, drug effects, stress and mental development, and addiction is directly connected to structural changes and adaptation of the brain at low and high levels (Nestler, 2001).

Theories link particular drugs to particular mental disorders, e.g. it has been suggested that heroin low stress, enhance pain and abolish alarming voices in schizophrenic and other borderline schizophrenic patients; however, patients with severe mental problems do not use heroin. Cocaine could lighten depressive states, behavioral disinhibition and permit narcissistic people to act out grandiosity. Cannabis relieve tension and ecstasy ease in social inhibitions (Verheul, 2001; Berthel, 2003).

People with schizophrenia; abuse substances, street drugs, over-the-counter drugs or alcohol). Studies shown about half of all people with schizophrenia have problems with drugs and alcohol, and up to 90% of population with schizophrenia are the common users of nicotine. The combination of mental illness and substance disorder is usually considered as “ongoing disorders” or “co-occurring disorders”, but in USA it is called as “dual diagnosis”.

Study comprised on 22 participants, all who were dually diagnosed with schizophrenia and abusers. After doing the intake paperwork, completing medical history and diagnosis,

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